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Physical Chemical dan Organolepic Characteristic of Beef Meatball with Aditional of Porang Flour (Amorpophallus oncophyllus)

RAYIS USMAN. Physical Chemical dan Organolepic Characteristic of Beef Meatball with Aditional of Porang Flour (Amorpophallus oncophyllus). Supervised by IRMA ISNAFIA ARIEF dan EDIT LESA ADITIA

The purpose of this research was find out the chemical, physical properties, and the organoleptic of meatball with addition of different concentration of porang flour (0%, 1%, and 2%). The result showed that 1% and 2% addition of porang flour have pH value less than control (P<0 .05="" 1.67="" 1="" 2="" 3.72="" 5.72="" 5.86="" addition="" agent="" along="" and="" as="" ash="" attributes="" average="" based="" be="" but="" can="" cannot="" carbohydrate="" chemical="" color="" concentration="" concluded="" content="" control="" dietary="" different="" effect="" elasticity.="" elasticy="" fat="" favored.="" fiber="" flavor="" flour.="" flour="" font="" for="" function="" general="" hedonic="" in="" increased="" is="" it="" less="" levels="" meaball="" meatball="" no="" of="" on="" other="" ph="" physical="" porang="" properties="" protein="" quality="" replace="" respectively="" results="" showed="" side="" significant="" springness="" stpp="" test="" texture="" than="" that="" the="" value="" water="" with="">

Key words : meatball, porang flour, STPP

Labels: Journal

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