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Potential Roselle Seed Meal for Growth and Immunity in Striped Catfish

ALLAMANDA CATHARICA. Potential Roselle Seed Meal for Growth and Immunity in Striped Catfish. Supervised by NUR BAMBANG PRIYO UTOMO and SRI NURYATI.

The main constraint on aquaculture is the availability of the raw material feed and disease attack. Therefore, the availability of high-quality feed that is not only able to increase fish growth but also capable of increasing absolute fish immunity must exist. Roselle seeds, with relatively vitamins especially tocopherol has a potential as an alternative ingredient. This study was conducted to determine the effect of dietary level of roselle seeds meal on growth performance, immune responses and resistance of striped catfish to Aeromonas hydrophila challenge.

In the first experiment, five diets were formulated to contain 0 (control), 2, 4, 6 and 8% roselle seeds meal per 100 g diets. Thirty five fishes with 1.33-1.51 g initial body weights were cultured in 15 aquarium with 60x30x35 cm dimention for 40 days. Fish were fed on these diets two times a day until apparent satiation. Feed consumption, lipid and protein retention increased with increasing doses of roselle seed meal (p<0 .05="" and="" catfish="" differences="" efficiency="" feed="" found="" growth="" i="" immune="" in="" measurement="" no="" of="" on="" rate="" resistance="" responses="" results="" significant="" striped="" study.="" survival="" the="" this="" to="" were="">Aeromonas hydrophila
challenge, it was found that there was no significant difference between treatments (p<0 .05="" 4="" applied.="" based="" because="" best="" c="" can="" diets="" dose="" experiment="" experimental="" for="" highest="" is="" it="" meal="" o:p="" of="" on="" overall="" protein="" provide="" results="" retention="" roselle="" second="" seed="" showed="" so="" study="" that="" the="" then="" this="" treatment="" was="">
The second experiment, thirty five fishes with 1.33-1.51 g initial body weights were cultured in 18 aquarium with 60x30x35 cm dimention for 30 days. Fish were fed on these diets two times a day until apparent satiation. Fish were assigned randomly to six feeding regimes, namely, a control (positive and negative control), fed continuously with commercial diets for 20 days. Treatment of A, fed continuously with experimental diets for 20 days. Treatment of B, fed with commercial diets on the first five days, then fed with experimental diets day 6 to day 15 and the commercial diets on the last five days. Treatment of C, fed with experimental diets on the first five days, commercial diets on the second five days, experimental diets on the third five days and commercial diets on the last five days. Treatment of D, namely the provision of commercial diets in the first ten days and the experimental diets in the last ten days. All treatments at day 21 challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila, except in the negative control.

The results showed no significant differences on feed intake (p<0 .05="" and="" between="" different="" efficiency="" feed="" growth="" i="" meanwhile="" not="" performance="" rate="" significantly="" survival="" treatments="" was="">p
<0 .05="" 15="" 6="" after="" and="" b="" based="" best="" between="" beyond="" challenge="" commercial="" control="" day="" days.="" days="" diets="" differences="" experimental="" fed="" first="" five="" found="" highest="" i="" immune="" is="" last="" namely="" of="" on="" rate="" responses="" results="" showed="" significant="" survival="" test="" the="" then="" to="" treatment="" treatments="" with="">Aeromonas hydrophila after injection the average of 62.1% (p<0 .05="" 15="" 4="" 6="" a="" and="" based="" best="" commercial="" conducted="" day="" days="" diets.="" diets="" dose="" experimental="" feeding="" first="" five="" found="" frequency="" is="" last="" meal="" o:p="" of="" on="" overall="" results="" roselle="" seed="" study="" that="" the="" to="" with="">

Keywords: growth performance, immunity, roselle seed meal, striped catfish

Labels: Journal

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