Response of Againts Newcastle Disease (ND) on Broiler were Given Half Dose
IBD-killed Vaccine. Under direction by RETNO DAMAYANTI SOEJOEDONO and SRI
This research aimed at
learning immune response of againts Newcastle Disease (ND) on broiler were
given half dose IBD-killed vaccine. Two hundred day-old broiler chicks where
randomly divided into four groups of 50 chicks each. Before being divided, 25
chicks was taken their blood to know maternal antibodies titer against ND. On
the 4'" day chicken groups P1 and P2 was vaccinated with ND active vaccine
and ITA ND+IBD half dose inactive vaccine. The P3 and P4 chicken groups were
vaccinated with ND active vaccine and ND inactive vaccine on the same day. The
repeated ND active vaccination was given to all group on the 2Sth day. The
against IBD challenge test was can-ied out on the 14"' day in the group PI
and P3. Sample of blood was taken on the 1411', 21S', 2Sti', and 42"d day.
Titer antibodies against ND observation were done with haemaglutination
inhibition test against all the sample of senun. Results of the research showed
that effect of iinuilosupresion happened to the group that was challenged by
the IBD vims in the 1' and 2"* week post infection. Four weeks after test,
titer antibodies of groups that vaccinated ITA ND+IBD half dose inactive
vaccine could increase, whereas the group that not vaccinated stayed low. Based
on this research, showed that the vaccination of IBD-killed half dose could not
protect the chicken towards effect immunosupresion up until two weeks after
Key word: immunosupresion, IBD
virus, titer of ND
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