Body Size and Shape of Arab Chicken, Kampong
Chicken and Pelung Chicken Based on Principal Component Analysis
Kurniawati, A., R. H. Mulyono and C. Sumantri
Differences of linier variable of body size
was found between two observed chicken species based on T2-Hotteling
statistical test (P<0 -0.31="" -0.59="" .01="" 0.41.="" 0.49="" 0.51="" 0.54="" 0.56="" 0.57="" 0.74.="" 0.77="" 0.92="" abroad="" analysis="" and="" arab="" are="" assumed="" body="" both="" broiler.="" broiler="" chicken.="" chicken="" coefficient="" comb="" component="" correlation="" derived="" differences="" different="" direction="" eigen="" elgium="" femur.="" femur="" from="" had="" height="" indicated="" indonesian="" is="" kampong="" large="" layer.="" length="" medium="" native="" o:p="" of="" origin="" originally="" pelung.="" pelung="" positive="" principal="" respectively.="" respectively="" result="" selected="" selection="" shape="" shows="" similar="" size.="" size="" that="" the="" this="" tibia="" to="" type="" value="" vector="" vectors="" was="" were="" which="" wing="" with="">0>
Key words: Arab chicken, Kampong chicken,
Pelung chicken, T2-Hotteling, Principal Component Analysis, size, shape,
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