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Morphometric Measurement of Local Sheep with Different Growth Rate

Morphometric Measurement of Local Sheep with Different Growth Rate
Aji, I.B., M. Yamin., and C. Sumantri

Local sheep fattening agribussines has been recently more growing. One of significant problems in the business is selection of lambs to be raised. It is therefore study of local sheep’s morphometric measurement at different level of growth rate is important to conduct. Rapid selection is used to get different sheep growth in daily gain and physical appearances as the selection criteria. Sheep with daily gain above 150 gram/day/head are categorized as fast growing sheep and the daily gain under 70 gram/day/head as the slow growing group. The results show that chest circumference, body length, head length, upper neck circumference, body height, upper tail circumference, neck length, and chest depth were significantly higher at fast growing sheep than in slow growing group. similar results were found that circumference of foreleg and neck to thoracic limb either at left or right sides, and circumference of left pastern were significantly higher at fast growing sheep than slow growing group. This may indicate that the parameters can be used as selection criteria for fast growing sheep. In the other hand tail length, muzzle circumference, mid tail circumference, end tail circumference, circumference of right pastern, circumference of hind legs either at left or right sides were similar between fast growing sheep and slow growing sheeps, meaning that those six parameters might not be used as the selection criteria for fast growing sheep. Almost all parameters showed positive correlation between one and the other parameters especially with weight.

Key words: Sheep, fast growing, low growing

Labels: Journal

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