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Study on Protection to Infectious Bronchitis Virus Provide by ND-IB Lived Vaccine on Broiler

FITRI LUTHFIANTI NUR ANNISAA. Study on Protection to Infectious Bronchitis Virus Provide by ND-IB Lived Vaccine on Broiler. Supervised by SRI MURTINI and RETNO DAMAJANTI SOEJOEDONO.

Objective of the study is to measure the antibody titer, clinical sign, and post mortal lesion of broilers vaccinated with Newcastle Disease-Infectious Bronchitis (ND-IB) live vaccine (LaSota H-120) and challenge with Infectious Bronchitis virus (IBV) field isolates. As much as 100 DOCs were use in this study. The maternal antibody derivates were taken from 20 broilers on the 1st day of experiment. The rest of the broilers divided into 4 groups (K1, K2, K3, and K4). Each group consisted 20 broilers. Group K1 and K2 were unvaccinated. Group K3 and K4 were vaccinated on the 2nd day according to the manufacturer procedure. Blood samples from unvaccinated and vaccinated group were taken on 7th, 14th, and 22nd day. Antibody titer was measured by using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Challenge was carried out on 14th day (12th day post vaccination) to group K2 and K4. The result showed that chickens have high maternal antibody titer. The combination of intranasal and oral vaccination was not able to produced protective antibody against IB. Vaccination was able to reduced lethargy sign and cloudy airsacs. The clinical signs and post mortal lesions were more severe on K2 group than K4 group.

Keywords: broiler, ELISA, Infectious Bronchitis, LaSota H-120, vaccine

Labels: Journal

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