Muh. Assakur. S (I 211 08
283). Degradation of Dry Mater, pH and Gas Production Rumen In vitro system
with cocoa pods (Theobroma cacao) different treatment given. With Syahriani
Syahrir Guidance (as major advicer) and Ismartoyo (as a member advicer)
Forage is the main source of
feed for ruminants . Availability of feed ruminants especially in the rainy
season an obstacle to farm. Cocoa pods can be used as ruminant feed , but
needed treatment to improve its quality prior. The research aimed to determine
the effect of various treatments on cocoa pods to degradation of dry matter, pH
and gas production in rumen in vitro system. In this research used Completely
Randomized Design ( CRD ) consisting of 3 treatments and 5 replicates which is
P0 (cocoa pods as a control) , P1 (cocoa pods ammoniation) and P2 (cacao pods
fermentation). The results showed that the pH value at P0 = 6.7 , P1 = 6.87 and
P2 = 6.93 . Indicated pH values in the rumen fermentation process goes well.
Degradation of dry matter = 33.8 % P0 , P1 and P2 = 41.8 % = 22.8 % . Cocoa
pods given different treatments showed significant effect on dry matter
degradation. The average value of the resulting gas production for 48 hours ie
22.17 ml at P0 , 19.38 ml at P1 and to 14.04 ml at P2 . The resulting gas
production in line with the degradation of low feed value . It can be concluded
that the treatment is the best ammoniation to improve the quality of cocoa
Key Words: Cocoa Pads,
Fermentation, Ammoniation, In vitro
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