Digestibility of Complete
Ration Containing Palm Kernel Meal Mixed with Different Forages in Local Male
E. Nurfutiha., L. Khotijah,
The objective of this study
was to evaluate dry matter, organic matter, crude protein and fiber
digestibilities of complete rations containing palm kernel meal with different
sources of forages in 20 local bucks with average body weight 1461,65 + 140,8
g. The study used Completely Randomize Design with five treatments and four
replications. The treatments were (R1) complete ration containing 5% copra meal
+ 30% field grass, (R2) complete ration containing 5% copra meal + 25% field
grass + 5% lamtoro leaves, (R3) complete ration containing 5% copra meal + 25%
field grass + 5% sweet potato leaves, (R4) complete ration containing 5% palm
kernel meal + 25% field grass + 5% lamtoro leaves and (R5) complete ration
containing 5% palm kernel meal + 25% field grass + 5% sweet potato leaves. The
data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the differences among
treatments were determined by Duncan test. The results showed that treatments
influenced nutrient digestibility (P<0 .05="" and="" bis="" bucks="" complete="" containing="" copra="" crude="" digestibilities="" digestibility="" dry="" fiber="" higher="" however="" in="" lamtoro="" leaves.="" leaves="" matter="" meal="" of="" or="" organic="" potato="" protein="" ration="" rations="" receiving="" significantly="" similar="" sweet="" that="" to="" was="" were="" with=""><0 .05="" 40.59="" 48.82="" 78.76="" 78.88="" 79.16="" 79.97="" 8.94="" 80.53="" and="" bis="" bucks="" compared="" complete="" concluded="" containing="" copra="" crude="" diet="" digestibilities="" digestibility="" digestion="" dry="" eating="" fed="" fiber="" forages.="" forages="" in="" is="" it="" kernel="" key="" lamtoro="" leaves.="" leaves="" matter="" meal="" of="" or="" organic="" palm="" potato="" protein="" rabbit="" rabbits="" ration="" rations="" receiving="" respectively.="" respectively="" same="" similiar="" sweet="" that="" the="" there="" to="" was="" were="" whereas="" while="" with="" words:=""><0 .05="" 40.59="" 48.82="" 78.76="" 78.88="" 79.16="" 79.97="" 8.94="" 80.53="" and="" bis="" bucks="" compared="" complete="" concluded="" containing="" copra="" crude="" diet="" digestibilities="" digestibility="" digestion="" dry="" eating="" fed="" fiber="" font="" forages.="" forages="" higher="" however="" in="" is="" it="" kernel="" key="" lamtoro="" leaves.="" leaves="" matter="" meal="" of="" or="" organic="" palm="" potato="" protein="" rabbit="" rabbits="" ration="" rations="" receiving="" respectively.="" respectively="" same="" significantly="" similar="" similiar="" sweet="" that="" the="" there="" to="" was="" were="" whereas="" while="" with="" words:="">0>0>0>
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