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A Study of Reproductive Period of Tigers (Panthera tigris) Ex Situ

NISA BILA SABRINA HAISYA. A Study of Reproductive Period of Tigers (Panthera tigris) Ex Situ. Supervised by LIGAYA ITA TUMBELAKA.

Tigers (Panthera tigris) are the largest cat in the world. However, the number of tigers in the wild started declining since the earlier of twentieth century. Therefore, the world conservation agencies declared the tiger status as endangered species. Some of the tigers status are even declared as critically endangered and extinct in the wild. Many local conservation institutions have been active to increase the tiger numbers. Nevertheless, there were not sufficient studies in tiger reproduction to optimize the conservation efforts. This study aims to analyze the reproductive period of tigress (female tiger) and its correlation with geography, life span, frequency of giving birth and age at the first reproduction activity. Sixty nine (69) Amur, 60 Sumatran, 30 Bengal, and 12 South China tigers were selected as samples. Samples were statistically analyzed using Spearman, Kruskal Wallis, oneway ANOVA, and descriptive test. The result showed that the reproductive period has not showed siginficant differences within subspecieses and geography. Although, there were significant correlation (p<0 .01="" a="" activity.="" age="" aims="" an="" analysis="" and="" are="" at="" be="" between="" birth.="" birth="" breeding="" by="" captive="" conservation="" earlier="" every="" experience="" factor="" first="" for="" frequency="" gave="" given="" giving="" global="" greater="" has="" important="" improvement="" in="" institution.="" institution="" is="" knowledge="" lead="" life="" longer.="" longer="" management="" needed="" noted="" o:p="" of="" opportunity="" period="" population="" possibility="" raising="" reach="" reproduction="" reproductive="" should="" showed="" span="" that="" the="" those="" thus="" tiger="" tigress="" to="" world.="" would="">

Key words: reproductive period, reproduction, tiger, Panthera tigris, ex situ

Labels: Harimau, Journal, Tiger

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