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The Characteristic of Mitochondrion DNA Genetic Marker as Sumatran Tiger Genetic Conservation Reference

ULFI FAIZAH. The Characteristic of Mitochondrion DNA Genetic Marker as Sumatran Tiger Genetic Conservation Reference. Under direction of DEDY DURYADI SOLIHIN and LIGAYA ITA TUMBELAKA

Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) now is decreasing and threatened for extinction. Therefore, the conservation effort must be done, including genetic conservation. Cytochrome b (Cyt. b) and D-loop at DNA mitochondrial have been used a lot to learn genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship. The aims of this research are (1) to analyze genetic diversity based on genetic marker with partial Cyt. b region and HVS-I of D-loop region from Sumatran tiger; and (2) to determine Sumatran tiger phylogeny between individual and between tigers subspecies in the world. Amplification with PCR method in whole Cyt. b region used primers UF-05 and UF-07 (1299 bp), partial Cyt. b used primer UF-06 and UF-07 (675 bp), HVS-I of D-Loop used primer UF-03 and UF-04 (567 bp). Next, all PCR products sequenced. Data analyzed by MEGA-IV software using multiple alignments with other tigers sequence from GenBank. Phylogeny reconstruction analyzed by Neighbor-Joining method with 1000 bootstrapped. The result are (1) Based on partial Cyt b genetic marker, there are two specific nucleotide sites on Sumatran tiger (sites 118 (G) and 369 (A)), and one specific amino acid site (site 40 (V)). Based on HVS-I of D-Loop genetic marker there are 12 specific nucleotide sites (sites 24 (G), 74 (A), 76 (A), 88 (C), 179 (C) 302 (G), 318 (T), 393 (T), 406 (G) 417 (A), 430 (A), 488 (G)). From this research, Cyt b genetic marker is suitable to differentiate between subspecies of tiger while HVS-I of D-loop is suitable to differentiate between subspecies and individual; (2) Based on HVS-I of D-loop genetic marker shows that the phylogeny of Sumatran tiger from Jambi has close relation with ones from Riau. In additional, both are closer with Sumatran tiger from Medan rather than the ones from Bengkulu. Compared to other tiger subspecies in the world, The Sumatran tiger has the closest relation with the Indian tiger and the farthest relation with the South Chinese tiger.

Keywords: Sumatran tiger, genetic conservation, Cyt. b, D-loop

Labels: Harimau, Journal, Tiger

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