Informasi Dunia Peternakan, Perikanan, Kehutanan, dan Konservasi

Fermentation and Nutrition Quality of Complete Feed Silage Based on Corn, Palm and Cassava By Products

LENDRAWATI. Fermentation and Nutrition Quality of Complete Feed Silage Based on Corn, Palm and Cassava By Products. Under direction of M. RIDLA and NAHROWI

This study was conducted to evaluate fermentation and nutrition quality of three types complete feed silage based on corn (SRKJ), palm (SRKS) and cassava (SRKU) by products. Each complete feed was ensiled separately into 50 litres silo and was opened 6 weeks after ensiling. The silage products were evaluated in terms of physical (colour, smell, and presence of moulds), chemical (pH, N-amonia content, WSC loss and dry matter loss) and microbial (number of lactic acid bacteria). While nutritive value of silage was determined by in vitro, in vivo digestibility and palatability test on 16 heads of fat tail ram lamb. Data were analyzed by using Completely Randomized Design with three treatments and six replicates, followed by LSD test. The result showed that all of complete feed silages were well preserved. Fermentation and nutrition quality found different (P<0 .05="" 3.85="" 4="" 68.52="" 7.68="" 71.33="" ammonia="" among="" and="" based="" best="" by="" cassava="" complete="" content="" corn="" digestibility="" dry="" feed="" fermentation="" however="" loss="" matter="" n="" nutrition="" of="" on="" organic="" palatability="" ph="" product="" products="" quality="" showed="" silage="" silages.="" similar="" the="" tn="" type="" value="" with="">0.05) to control treatment. It is concluded that complete feed silage based on corn and cassava by products could be an alternative of ruminant feeding.

Keywords : completed feed silage, corn, palm, cassava and digestibility

Labels: Journal

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