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The Influence of Leguminosae Introduction to Brachiaria humidicola’s pasture on Pregnant Ewe’s and Lamb’s Performance at Jonggol Animal Science Teaching and Research Unit

The Influence of Leguminosae Introduction to Brachiaria humidicola’s pasture on Pregnant Ewe’s and Lamb’s Performance at Jonggol Animal Science Teaching and Research Unit 
Nugroho, H. D., P. D. M. H. Karti., and K. G. Wiryawan

An experiment has been conducted to study the effect of legume introduction on Brachiaria humidicola’s pasture on ewe reproduction. The experiment used a completely randomized block design. Eight treatments were prepared on each paddock, i.e. P1: Control (-) with no both organic and inorganic fertilizers neither soil potential microorganisms, P2: Control (+) with no inorganic fertilizers and soil potential microorganisms; P3: B.humidicola with P. javanica; P4: B. humidicola with C. pubescens; P5: B. humidicola with C. mucunoides; P6: B. humidicola with P. javanica and C. pubescens; P7: B. humidicola with P. javanica and C. mucunoides; P8: B.humidicola with P. javanica, C. pubescens and C. mucunoides. There are three ewes for each paddock. The treatment of P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 were use of organic and inorganic fertilizers and soil potential microorganisms upon in the process of plantation. Variable observed were daily consumption and feed efficiency for ewes, ewes and lambs daily gain, birth weight, ewes weight post partus and mineral status. The data obtained were treated by Analysis of Variance followed by an orthogonal contrast if there was a significant different. The result of this experiments was very significant difference (p<0 .01="" and="" because="" birth="" c.="" can="" combinations="" concluded="" consumption.="" consumption="" contained="" daily="" during="" ewe="" ewes="" found="" gain="" grass="" highest="" humidicola="" in="" increase="" introduction="" is="" it="" lamb="" legumes="" leguminosae="" nutrient="" o:p="" of="" on="" p2.="" p4="" p5="" p8="" performance.="" pregnant="" pubescens="" required.="" s="" sufficient="" that="" the="" three="" was="" weight="" with="">

Labels: Journal

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