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Viability and Fertility of Spermatozoa in Modified BTS and Zorlesco Extender Stored in Different Places for Swine Artificial Insemination Program

NI LUH GDE SUMARDANI. Viability and Fertility of Spermatozoa in Modified BTS and Zorlesco Extender Stored in Different Places for Swine Artificial Insemination Program. Under the direction of TUTY L. YUSUF and POLLUNG H. SIAGIAN.

The optimal storage temperature for preserve boar semen is 17 - 18 °C. The temperature fluctuations can decrease sperm viability. The aim of this study was to obtain a boar semen extender for Artificial Insemination (AI) at certain distance area. The observation on viability and fertility of spermatozoa in Modified Beltsville Thawing Solution (M-BTS) and Zorlesco (M-Zorlesco) extender in different storage, and the effect of storage system i.e : room temperature, refrigerator, and styrofoam box were conducted for this purpose. Semen from three years old Yorkshire boar (n = 3) were collected twice a week by hand method. Semen characteristics and their quality were evaluated macro and microscopically. These semen were added with M-BTS and M-Zorlesco extender up to fourfold volume (ratio 1 : 3). This is base on the assumption of AI dose of 2 - 3 x 109cells/80mL. All samples were divided into three tube and stored at room temperature (22 °C), styrofoam box (18 °C) and refrigerator (15 °C), and their motility and viability were evaluated every six hours for 42 hours observation.

The results showed that fresh semen characteristics were good, with sperm motility of 65.56 ± 3.91% and viability of 87.70 ± 6.34 %. The best extender found in this experiment of 42 hours observation was M-Zorlesco extender with average sperm motility of 54.76 ± 12.76% in styrofoam box and 54.17 ± 12.60% in refrigerator. On the other hand, their average of sperm motility in BTS (control) of 49.37 ± 17.37% in styrofoam box and 50.19 ± 17.36 % in refrigerator were slightly lower than that of the former one, but statistically it is not significant. The semen diluted in M-Zorlesco extender stored for 42 hours in styrofoam box that showed the best result. This show that quality of boar’s sepermatozoa can be maintained at 15 - 18 oC. Conception rate with semen diluted in M-Zorlesco and M-BTS extenders were high (83.33%).

In conclusion, M-Zorlesco extender can maintain the quality of spermatozoa stored in styrofoam box and refrigerator for about 42 hours with sperm motility 40 - 50%, and the styrofoam box can be used as an alternatif container for insemination program in the field.
Keywords: Viability, fertility, extender, storage, boar sperm

Labels: Journal

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