Informasi Dunia Peternakan, Perikanan, Kehutanan, dan Konservasi

Diversity of Flies Species in Layer Poultry Farm

IRENE SOTERIANI UREN. Diversity of Flies Species in Layer Poultry Farm. Supervised by UPIK KESUMAWATI HADI and SUPRIYONO.

Flies are common parasites that easily can be found in layer poultry farm. The aim of this research was to analyze the diversity of species, the relative abundance, and the dominance of flies in layer poultry farm. The samples were collected from Peternakan Ayam Petelur KM 45, Kemang, Bogor, by using the sweeping net. The collected samples were identified and analyzed to determine the density of flies. Fly density expressed with relative abundance and species domination. The result showed there were 4 species of flies found in layer poultry farm. They were Musca domestica, Chrysomya megacephala, Chrysomya saffranea, and Hermetia illucens. M. domestica were the most dominant species. Species domination in sequences were M. domestica (42.13%), C. Megacephala (33.71%), H. illucens (18.26%), and C. saffranea (5.90%). The last three species were commonly found along with M. domestica.

Keywords: diversity, flies, layer poultry farm, species domination

Labels: Journal

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