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Physiological Response and Blood Profile of Garut Rams with Feed and Different Feeding Time Management

BIMA SAPUTRA. Physiological Response and Blood Profile of Garut Rams with Feed and Different Feeding Time Management. Supervised by SRI RAHAYU and DEWI APRI ASTUTI.

Feed and feeding time management can influence change physiological respon of sheep. This research aimed to evaluate phsyiological response and blood profile of garut rams with mung bean sprout waste as subtitution of grass and different feeding time management. This research used 16 garut rams (I0) with 2 factors and 4 replicates. The first factor was different feed persentage consist of R1 (consentrate 60% + grass 40%) and R2 (concentrate 40% + mung bean sprout waste 40%). The second factor is different feeding consist of P (morning feeding time) and S (afternoon feeding time). Pshyiological response that were observed are respiration, heart rate, and rectal temperature. Blood profile that were observed are haemoglobin, hematocrit (PCV/Packed Cell Volume), eritrosit, leucocyte, and leukocyte differentiation. Data processed with ANOVA and Duncan analysis. The result showed that mung bean sprout makes significant effect (P<0 .01="" affecting="" afternoon.="" and="" bean="" blood="" but="" cell="" change="" different="" eosinophils="" feed="" feeding="" garut="" given="" grass.="" heartbeat="" hematology="" higher="" in="" influence="" lower="" makes="" management="" morning="" mung="" not="" o:p="" of="" on="" physiological="" profile="" rams="" rate="" red="" respon="" sheep.="" sheep="" sprout="" than="" the="" time="" treatment="" value="" was="" waste="" were="" with="">
Key words: Blood profile, feed, feeding, garut rams, physiological response.

Labels: Journal

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