Informasi Dunia Peternakan, Perikanan, Kehutanan, dan Konservasi

Fermentation and Nutrition Quality of Complete Feed Silage Based on Corn, Palm and Cassava By Products

LENDRAWATI. Fermentation and Nutrition Quality of Complete Feed Silage Based on Corn, Palm and Cassava By Products. Under direction of M. RIDLA and NAHROWI

This study was conducted to evaluate fermentation and nutrition quality of three types complete feed silage based on corn (SRKJ), palm (SRKS) and cassava (SRKU) by products. Each complete feed was ensiled separately into 50 litres silo and was opened 6 weeks after ensiling. The silage products were evaluated in terms of physical (colour, smell, and presence of moulds), chemical (pH, N-amonia content, WSC loss and dry matter loss) and microbial (number of lactic acid bacteria). While nutritive value of silage was determined by in vitro, in vivo digestibility and palatability test on 16 heads of fat tail ram lamb. Data were analyzed by using Completely Randomized Design with three treatments and six replicates, followed by LSD test. The result showed that all of complete feed silages were well preserved. Fermentation and nutrition quality found different (P<0 .05="" 3.85="" 4="" 68.52="" 7.68="" 71.33="" ammonia="" among="" and="" based="" best="" by="" cassava="" complete="" content="" corn="" digestibility="" dry="" feed="" fermentation="" however="" loss="" matter="" n="" nutrition="" of="" on="" organic="" palatability="" ph="" product="" products="" quality="" showed="" silage="" silages.="" similar="" the="" tn="" type="" value="" with="">0.05) to control treatment. It is concluded that complete feed silage based on corn and cassava by products could be an alternative of ruminant feeding.

Keywords : completed feed silage, corn, palm, cassava and digestibility

Deterioration of rabbitfish (Siganus javus) in the chilling temperature storage

AISYAH FATRIANI. Deterioration of rabbitfish (Siganus javus) in the chilling temperature storage. Supervised by MALA NURILMALA and NURJANAH.

Rabbitfish lives in waters of the mangrove to the reef at a depth of 6 meters. Rabbitfish usually is sold in a fresh condition. Generally, fish handling technique to maintain the freshness of the fish is the use of low temperature. This study aimed to determine baronang fish quality deterioration from the Seribu Island using ice. The ratio of ice and fish was 1:1 ( w /w). Determination of rabbitfish freshness was conducted by pH, TVB, and TPC measurements. Observation was every 24 hours for 3 days. The pH value decreased at the 2nd day and the 3rd day. TVB value of rabbitfish on the first day was 10.57 mg N/100 g. This value indicated the fish was still fresh. The total number of microbes after 3 days of storage increased to 7.48 log CFU/g. Rabbitfish after 3 days storage was still suitable for consumption based on the pH and TVB values.

Key words: freshness of the fish, pH, rabbitfish, TPC, TVB

Sumber dan Pemanfaatan Energi oleh Ikan

Pada ikan, sumber energi diperoleh dari pakan, dimana pada pakan ikan ini mengandung zat gizi yang berasal dari karbohidrat, lipid, dan protein (makro nutrient). Bahan organik makronutrien ini dapat digunakan secara langsung sebagai bahan bakar metabolik, dan dapat disimpan dalam tubuh untuk dimanfaatkan selanjutnya, atau ditumpuk dalam materi penyusun pertumbuhan somatik hewan (Houlihan et al., 2001). Energi yang diperoleh oleh makhluk hidup ini dapat menimbulkan panas. Panas dari tubuh hewan berasal dari oksidasi zatzat organik dan makanan yang diberikan digunakan sebagai sumber energi. Oleh karena itu nilai energi suatu bahan makanan dapat dipakai sebagai dasar dalam menentukan nilai gizi dari bahan makanan tersebut (Houlihan et. al., 2001).

Kecukupan energi dalam pakan sangat penting karena ikan akan merombak pakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energinya sebelum digunakan untuk pertumbuhan. Energi yang diperoleh dari pakan digunakan sebagai sumber energi utama yang dalam pembagian energi disebut dengan Gross Energy. Gross Energy (GE) dapat didefenisikan sebagai total energi yang terdapat dalam makanan. Semua energi yang diperoleh dari asupan pakan yang dikonsumsi oleh ikan, tidak semuanya dipergunakan untuk keperluan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ikan karena energi tersebut akan dibagi menjadi Digestible energy (DE) yaitu energi yang dapat dicerna dan Fecal energy (FE) yaitu energi yang digunakan untuk kegiatan pembuangan hasil eksresi pada ikan berupa feses.

Digestible energy ini umumnya digunakan sebagai dasar penyusunan formulasi pakan untuk pengoptimuman penggunaan bahan pakan (Halver, 2002). Digestible energy akan dipergunakan oleh ikan untuk proses metabolisme dan hasil buangan metabolisme yang terbagi menjadi Metabolizable energy (ME) yaitu energi yang dapat dipergunakan untuk kegiatan metabolisme dan Metabolic Excretion yaitu energi yang dikeluarkan oleh ikan untuk proses pembuangan urin (Urine Excretion) dan Gill Excretion (GE). Energi yang dipergunakan untuk kegiatan metabolisme didalam tubuh ikan ini dibagi lagi menjadi dua yang akan dipergunakan untuk kegiatan aktivitas metabolisme seperti kegiatan mengkonsumsi oksigen dalam media pemeliharaan yang biasa disebut dengan Heat Increment (HiE) atau dengan kata lain dalam proses fisiologis ikan disebut dengan Specific Dynamic Action yaitu energi yang diperlukan oleh ikan untuk aktivitas hidup harian ikan. Selanjutnya, energi yang tersisa dari proses kegiatan metabolisme adalah energi bersih yang disebut dengan Net Energy (NE) yang akan dipergunakan maintenance atau perawatan ikan seperti metabolisme basal, aktivitas ikan, aktivitas renang, adaptasi terhadap suhu dan sisanya baru akan dipergunakan untuk pertumbuhan. Jadi, energi yang akan dipergunakan untuk pertumbuhan adalah energi yang tertinggal setelah kebutuhan untuk metabolisme basal ikan terpenuhi dan jika masih ada yang tersisa energi tersebut akan dipergunakan untuk kegiatan reproduksi.

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The Physical Characteristic of Market Vegetable Waste Wafer and that Palatability for Sheep Livestock

The Physical Characteristic of Market Vegetable Waste Wafer and that Palatability for Sheep Livestock
F. P. Syananta, Y. Retnani, L. Herawati

Vegetable waste is part of vegetables or vegetables that are discarded. The weakness of this vegetable market waste, among others, is perishable, voluminous (bulky) and the availability was fluctuated so the processing technology is needed to make this vegetable waste to be durable, easy to stored and to be given to dorbia. To solve this problem vegetable waste could be formed as wafer. The objective of this experiment was to determine the physical characteristic and palatability of vegetable market waste after formed as a wafer. The experimental design used in this research was Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were : R1: maize straw 100%; R2: maize straw 75% + mungbeans sprout waste 25%; R3: maize straw 50% + mungbeans sprout waste 25% + cauliflowers 25%; R4: maize straw 25% + mungbeans sprout waste 50% + cauliflowers 25%; R5: maize straw 25% + mungbeans sprout waste 25% + cauliflowers 50%. Wafer’s variables measured were water activity, water absorption, density and palatability. The results of this research indicated that the treatment of wafer made from vegetable waste gave significant effect to the water activity (P<0 .08="" and="" palatability="" wafer=""><0 .05="" effect="" highly="" significant="" the=""><0 .01="" :="" a="" absorption.="" absorption="" activity="" and="" based="" characteristic="" compare="" density.="" experimental="" for="" from="" gave="" have="" highest="" keywords="" lowest="" market="" most="" of="" on="" other="" palatability="" palatable="" physical="" r1="" r3="" r4="" r5="" ration="" result="" sheep.="" the="" to="" treatments="" vegetable="" wafer="" was="" waste="" water="" were=""> <0 .08="" a="" absorption.="" absorption="" activity="" and="" based="" characteristic="" compare="" density.="" effect="" experimental="" for="" from="" gave="" have="" highest="" highly="" lowest="" market="" most="" o:p="" of="" on="" other="" palatability="" palatable="" physical="" r1="" r3="" r4="" r5="" ration="" result="" sheep.="" significant="" the="" to="" treatments="" vegetable="" wafer="" was="" waste="" water="" were="">

Keywords : physical characteristic, wafer palatability, wafer and vegetable waste

Behaviour of Broiler Chickens in Closed House under Different Room Temperatures and Light Colours

Behaviour of Broiler Chickens in Closed House under Different Room Temperatures and Light Colours

Andisuro, R., R. Afnan, and H.S. Iman Rahayu

Broiler chicken industry as a main meat producer has a huge potency to fulfil the quality and quantity of protein requirement for the human. A good management aspect such as house temperature and light regulation plays an important role in raising broiler. High ambient temperature in Indonesia with its large fluctuation becomes constraint in raising broiler. Light regime includes intensity, duration and colour is still limited applied by the broiler farmer as they apply opened house. Raising broiler in closed house gives an opportunity to regulate temperature and light inside the house. Temperature and light stimulate the broiler behaviours that affect broiler performances. This experiment aimed to study the effect of temperature and light regulation on broiler behaviours. It was designed with a 2x2 factorial complete randomized with different house temperatures and lights. House temperatures were adjusted to 23 o C (normal) and 30 oC (heat stress) whereas light was set to red and white. Data collection was done in 4 times of ages within 6 days interval (15, 21, 27 and 33 days). The variant of data was analyzed (ANOVA) and computed with suitable mathematical model observed. That watched behaviour were eating, drinking, locomoting, panting and resting. The housing temperature significantly affected panting (age of 15, 21 and 27 days) and drinking behaviour (age 21 days) as well as locomotive behaviour (age of 21 days). Light colours and their interaction with housing temperature did not significantly affect the behaviours of broilers (P > 0,05). Presumably, the light intensity did not adequate to influence behaviours of broiler chickens. Keywords: Behaviours, Broiler Chicken, Temperature and Light Colour.

Horse Training Technique for the Purpose of Formal State Ceremony and Armed Forces in Cavalary Horse Detachement (Denkavkud) Indonesian National Army-Cavalary (TNI-AD)

Horse Training Technique for the Purpose of Formal State Ceremony and Armed Forces in Cavalary Horse Detachement (Denkavkud) Indonesian National Army-Cavalary (TNI-AD)
Parongpong Nilareswati, N. , P. H. Siagian, and S. Supraptini M.

The objective of this study was to obtain all related information and understanding the training process were carried out at the Cavalry Detachement Equstrian along with the understanding of horses behaviour and welfare. This study conducted in August 2008, at the Cavalry Detachment Equstrian (Denkavkud) TNIAD Parongpong, Bandung, used 15 horses that were in the process of training and taming. Horses observation comprised of three male horses, nine female horses and three cartrated horse. Before starting a thorough and completed research, a preliminary review was conducted; that was to get a general overview descriptions. All data collection were classified as follow : horse trainer background, handling horse health, horse maintenance, technical training in general, each detailed technical training material, welfare of horse, evaluation training materials, and all information about horse geneacological records. Training was conducted in Detachment Equstrian (Denkavkud) TNI-AD includes introduction material cognition (through sounds, view dan touching), field practice, repetition, habitual and materials evaluation. The horses trained were tamed would be able to show expected response to the trainer. A coach playing a very important role on the succes of each training, at the same time patience are also required from both trainer and rider. In order to mastering the 19 basic material, basic training will take six month of time, each technical training materials will has a time allocation base which will vary with or will be adjusted with the schedule of basic education curiculum for horses training. Training are divided into stages, that is from a very easy up to a very difficult materials. Horses that have ever been trained to be tamed should be able to show expected response to the respected trainer. From this point of step if the horses are declared passing from this stage soon will be prepared and ready to receive further advanced training matterials. At the end of this advanced training, the horse will be charged and operated as a horse in the millitary until 18 years old. After this operating period are ended, then all of the horse care or welfare and health responsibilities will be moved to other departement until their death.

Keywords : horse (Equus caballus), training, learning, behaviour

Development Strategy of Bali Cattle (Bos javanicus) In Extensive and Semi Intensive Farming System in Tawali Village Subdistrict Wera Bima Regency West Nusa Tenggara

Development Strategy of Bali Cattle (Bos javanicus) In Extensive and Semi Intensive Farming System in Tawali Village Subdistrict Wera Bima Regency West Nusa Tenggara
Jannah, N, Komariah, D. J. Setyono West

 Nusa Tenggara has a program called “Bumi Sejuta Sapi” (NTB BSS). The highest population cattle in NTB was bali cattle. Tawali village in NTB was one of village which developed bali cattle in two farming system. Farming system in Tawali village were extensive and semi intensive. The aims of this study arranged development strategy of bali cattle in two diferrent farming system. Primary data obtained from 42 farmers who farmed with extensive farming systems and 16 farmers who farmed in semi intensive. Secondary data obtained from the village government and related agencies. The Strategies formula of development bali cattle with extensive farming system is purchase breed of bali cattle from the government and the private sector, making hay, using moor for the cultivation of forage with good quality and forming groups of farmers. The strategies formula of development bali cattle with semi intensive farming system is making a warehouse for food storage, organize training about recording of reproduction animal and recording about animal health with cooperation with the government, cooperation between members of the group to supply forage and meet regularly to exchange information between members of the group.

Keywords: cattle bali, NTB, system maintenance, development strategy

Strategy for Small Dairy Farms Development in Cisarua

FATWI ZANDOS. Strategy for Small Dairy Farms Development in Cisarua, Bogor.

Under Development Strategy of Bali Cattle (Bos javanicus) In Extensive and Semi Intensive Farming System in Tawali Village Subdistrict Wera Bima Regency West Nusa Tenggara Jannah, N, Komariah, D. J. Setyono West Nusa Tenggara has a program called “Bumi Sejuta Sapi” (NTB BSS). The highest population cattle in NTB was bali cattle. Tawali village in NTB was one of village which developed bali cattle in two farming system. Farming system in Tawali village were extensive and semi intensive. The aims of this study arranged development strategy of bali cattle in two diferrent farming system. Primary data obtained from 42 farmers who farmed with extensive farming systems and 16 farmers who farmed in semi intensive. Secondary data obtained from the village government and related agencies. The Strategies formula of development bali cattle with extensive farming system is purchase breed of bali cattle from the government and the private sector, making hay, using moor for the cultivation of forage with good quality and forming groups of farmers. The strategies formula of development bali cattle with semi intensive farming system is making a warehouse for food storage, organize training about recording of reproduction animal and recording about animal health with cooperation with the government, cooperation between members of the group to supply forage and meet regularly to exchange information between members of the group.

Keywords: cattle bali, NTB, system maintenance, development strategy

Strategy for Small Dairy Farms Development in Cisarua, Bogor

FATWI ZANDOS. Strategy for Small Dairy Farms Development in Cisarua, Bogor. Under supervision of AKHMAD ARIF AMIN and YULI RETNANI.

Dairy farms in Indonesia have a good prospect to be developed because more than 70% of national consumers needs are fulfilled from imports. Bogor regency has opportunity to take part in dairy industries by improving dairy farms development in some regions, one of these is Cisarua. This theses describes the sustainable development strategy of small dairy farms in Cisarua. The research was conducted during December 2010 and March 2011 in Cisarua, Bogor, West Java. The informations were collected through indivial interviewed with 28 dairy farmer households and some key informans. The data were analized and presented descriptively. Results showed that the following are possibly happen in development of small dairy farms in Cisarua: (1) decreasing natural fodder carrying capacity which is currently in very critical condition with 0.78 Carrying Capacity Index, (2) increasing of organic pollution in Kali Citeko Bawah, current value of COD (194.2 mg/l) and BOD (86.2 mg/l) are already above the quality standards stated in Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia Number 82, Year 2001 on air quality management and water pollution control, (3) waste from dairy farms can potentially trigger a social conflict, and (4) farmers do not have any bargaining power in milk selling-price as due to high dependence to Milk Processing Industry. Based on analysis of current conditions in dairy farms and expert opinion, there are several targets to be achieved in order to improve dairy farms development in Cisarua i.e. (1) increase farmers’ income; (2) create employment oppurtunities; (3) optimize natural resource potential; (4) increase local economic growth; (5) to raise public nutrition level; (6) to create zero waste dairy farms and; (7) make dairy cattle as an icon of Cisarua. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) on experts’ choice showed that improvement in quality and quantity of milk/product (0.244), extension in capital access (0.208) and increase human resources quality (0.196) were the major strategies to achieve the targets of sustainable dairy farms in Cisarua, Bogor.

Key words: dairy farm, development, strategy, sustainable

Qualitative and Quantitative Traits of Qurban Sheeps on Different Grade

Qualitative and Quantitative Traits of Qurban Sheeps on Different Grade
Suswati, M. Yamin, and Bunyamin

Healthy and normal physical condition (not disabled) are basic qualifications of qurban sheep. In addition to these, better performance of qurban sheep in producing good quality of meat is also needed. Therefore the research about characteristics of qurban sheep which includes qualitative and quantitative characteristics are importat to conduct. The aims of this experiment were to determine the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of 32 Garut cross rams and 60 local rams used for qurban sheep. The rams were classified into several grades according to body weight; grade A = body weight of 32-35 kg; grade B, 28-31 kg; and grade C, 24-27 kg. Garut cross rams used as much as 13 for grade A, 10 for grade B, and 9 for grade C, while as many as 20 local thin tail sheeps in each grade category. The qualitative characteristics observed were face profiles, ear types, hair colour, horn types, tail types, and horn colours. The quantitative characteristics observed were body length, shoulder height, and heart girth. The qualitative characteristics of data were descriptively analyzed. Randomized Block Design was used to analyse effecs of grades on the qualitative characteristics. Any significant results were further analyzed by using the Tukey’s test. The results shown that Garut cross rams had more convex face profil and Garut cross rams had at most on grade A or grade B, so this trait can be used as a selection criteria. While on quantitative characteristics the results shown that in both sheep breed groups grades had high significant differences (p <0 and="" girth.="" heart="" height="" o:p="" on="" shoulder="">

Keywords : qualitative trait, quantitative trait, sheep breed, grade.

Response to Feed Given on Biosynthesis of Product and Composition of Horse Milk (Equus caballus) in Prima Fit Farm Bogor

INDAH PERMATA SARI. Response to Feed Given on Biosynthesis of Product and Composition of Horse Milk (Equus caballus) in Prima Fit Farm Bogor. Supervised by ANITA SARDIANA TJAKRADIDJAJA and CECE SUMANTRI.

Dairy horses known as “wild horse milk” producer are generally kept extensively, so this resulted in less control of milk production and composition. Production and composition of milk are influenced by genetic and nutritional factors. A commercial farm has kept many horses with good genetic potential. However, the horse performances also depend on type and amount of feeds that are given. This study assessed the effect of feed given on milk product and composition. The experiment was conducted for three months. Feeds given were field grasses, wheat and Vital commercial pellet. Variables measured were feed and nutrient intakes, body weight, milk production and composition. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that genetic factor and feed intake affected milk production and composition. Imported race horses have a greater body weight than local race, so that their nutrient needs and the production and composition of milk are greater than the local horses.

Keywords: dairy horse, feed intake, genetic, milk production

Performances, Percentage of Carcass, Abdominal Fat, and Giblets of Broilers Given a Ration Contained Prebiotic from Corncobs

Performances, Percentage of Carcass, Abdominal Fat, and Giblets of Broilers Given a Ration Contained Prebiotic from Corncobs
Nuraini, W. Hermana, and K. G. Wiryawan

Prebiotics are nutrients which are not digested, and selectively improves growth and activity of beneficial microbes in large intestine. The objectives of this research were to study the performance, the percentage of carcass, abdominal fat, and giblets of broilers given a ration contained prebiotic from corncobs. This research used factorial completely randomized design which consisted of two factors. The first factor was consisted of three treatments: basal ration, basal ration + 2.5% prebiotics, and basal ration + 0.01% bambermycin, the second factor was consisted of two treatments: without E. coli’s infection and with E. coli’s infection, with five replications (10 birds/replicate). The variables observed were performances, the percentage of carcass, abdominal fat, and giblets. The results show that the performances and the percentage of carcass, abdominal fat, and giblets of the broiler given a ration contained prebiotics did not significantly different to the other treatments. It is concluded that prebiotics supplementation in the broiler ration has no significant influences on performances and the percentage of carcass, abdominal fat , and giblets of broilers. However, prebiotic were able to replace the antibiotic to reduce mortality of broilers at five week of age.

Keywords: broiler, corncob, performance, prebiotic, the percentage of carcass, abdominal fat, giblets

erformance Suplemented Feed by Mixture of Katuk and Mulberry Leaf Meal

HERDIAN SAPUTRA. Quail’s Performance Suplemented Feed by Mixture of Katuk and Mulberry Leaf Meal. Supervised by SRI DARWATI and WIDYA HERMANA.

Laying quail Coturnix-coturnix japonica type is one of the livestock egg producing, so that quail livestock can be used as a source to fulfil of animal protein. Quail performance production is very influenced by the management, the environment and feed. Katuk leaf and mulberry leaf is a type of representing crop clumb bush are often found in Indonesia. This research was conducted to study the performance production of laying quails age 7-17 weeks were given by mixture feed with flour katuk leaf and mulberry leaf powder. Benefits contained at leaf mulberry and katuk making opportunity to breeders quail to use materials of feed to be obtain a good egg production which either from facet of quality. the results of analysis of variance averaging of egg production obtained in given feeding P2 and P3 showed significantly different results (P<0 .05="" 17.77="" 18.26="" 33.23="" 37.22="" and="" beside="" compared="" conversion="" efficient="" egg="" equal="" feed="" given="" high="" is="" low="" more="" o:p="" obtained="" p0="" p1="" p2="" p3.="" production="" quail="" rate="" than="" that="" the="" to="" with="" yielding="">

Keywords: katuk, mulberry, performance, quail

Delman Horse Perfomance as Transportation Tool in Bogor

Delman Horse Perfomance as Transportation Tool in Bogor
Angga, P.H. Siagian, and S.S. Mansjoer

This research was done from March up to April 2009 by observation and interview of coachman that used as draft animal or called “delman” in Bogor. The aim of this research was to collect information of management horse system for human transportation in Bogor. The data were analyzed descriptively. The research showed that the job as coachman was main source of money and doesn’t need a good education to be a coachman. The horses that used for draft animal was Sumba horse. The coachman bought their horse and the equipment in Bandung. The majority of horses has a solid facial marking with brown basic colour of coat. The maintenance management of horses that used by coachman is very traditional because the limited knowledge that coachman known. The coachman have their knowledge from other friends that work as coachman and legacy that have been passed on from one generation to other generation in their family. The presence of technology has been influence the prosperity of coachman and horse. It would have had an effect of maintenance management of horses. The government and coachman play an important role to increase the prosperity of horse with a good maintenance management.

Keywords : Equus caballus, delman, traditional transportation

Performance and Cleanness of Garut Sheep With Shorn Treated and Kept Semi-Intensively

Performance and Cleanness of Garut Sheep With Shorn Treated and Kept Semi-Intensively 
M. Yunidar, S. Rahayu, M. Yamin 

One of livestock commodities that has been well developed in Indonesia is sheep. Sheep production can be increased by good management practices, one of these is shearing program. Shearing on local sheep hasn‟t been implemented routinely in Indonesia for sanitation purpose, and this aspect hasn‟t been studied intensively. This research was conducted to study effect of shearing on sheep performances. Twenty four Garut sheep were used in this research, under the age of one year, consisted of four shorn male, four unshorn male, four shorn female, four unshorn female, four shorn ewe, and four unshorn ewe. Body weight gain was observed everyweek and then converted to daily gain. Consumption rate was observed with total roughage and concentrate consumption in one day. Sanitation was observed by organoleptic method and ectoparasite was observed by using total ectoparasite in three region (mid side, neck and ramp). The result show that didn‟t give significant effects (P<0 a="" affect="" affected="" age="" and="" are="" as="" at="" average="" become="" between="" but="" cleanness="" concluded="" consumption="" daily="" damalinia="" different="" dry="" ectoparasite.="" ectoparasites="" ewe="" farming="" female="" fewer="" font="" for="" found="" gain="" garut="" give="" good="" grown="" had="" higher="" i0="" in="" infestation.="" interaction="" is="" it="" level="" lice="" male.="" many="" matter="" number="" of="" on="" ovis="" physiology.="" practices="" ration="" recommended="" roughage="" routinely="" same="" shearing="" sheep.="" sheep="" shorn="" significantly="" than="" that="" the="" ticks.="" to="" treatment="" type="" unshorn="" was="" were="" which="" with="">

Keywords : performance, cleanness, Garut Sheep, shearing, ectoparasite

Performance of Broiler in Different Feeding Frequency

Performance of Broiler in Different Feeding Frequency 
Manurung, E. J, N. Ulupi & R. Afnan 

Good broiler performances require adequate feed and suitable feeding management. High temperature in the tropics belongs to a major enviromental constraint in raising broiler chickens that affecting feed intake. A feeding management may alleviate the harmful effects of high temperature on broiler performance. An experiment with three treatments and five replications involving 135 broiler chickens was done in a local farm in Babakan village, Ciseeng subdistrict, Bogor regency for five weeks to examine the effect of feeding on broiler chicken performance. The treatments apply were P1 (the feed was given in the morning at 06.00 am by 100%), P2 (the feed was given in the morning at 06.00 am by 50% and another 50% in the afternoon at 05.00 pm) and P3 (the feed was given in the morning at 06.00 am by 40%, in daytime at 11.00 am by 20% and in the afternoon at 05.00 pm by 40%). The traits measured were feed intake and conversion, body weight gain and final weight. All data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Mortality and Income Over Feed and Chisk Cost (IOFCC) was descriptively analysed. The tretment had no effect on broiler performance and the treatment P3 resulted in highest IOFCC. 

Key words : broiler chicken, feeding frequency, performance, IOFCC

Enhancement of Broiler Performance by Methionine as Feed Additive

DIAH NUGRAHANI PRISTIHADI. Enhancement of Broiler Performance by Methionine as Feed Additive. Supervised by WASMEN MANALU and ANDRIYANTO.

Methionine is a safe, economic, and high quality feed additive. A study on the effect of methionine supplementation on broiler chicken performance was conducted by using 30 broiler chickens. Broiler chickens were assigned into 3 groups: P1 (control, without methionine supplementation), P2 (0.2% methionine supplementation), and P3 (0.4% methionine supplementation). Parameters measured were growth rate, final body weight, feed efficiency (feed convertion ratio/FCR), and mortality rate. The result showed that 0.4% methionine supplementation significantly increased growth rate, final body weight, and feed efficiency (P<0 .05="" 0.2="" 0.4="" 21="" 7-21="" a="" additive="" affected="" after="" age.="" age="" and="" as="" between="" broiler="" by="" chicken="" concluded="" days="" dose="" effect="" feed="" final="" growth="" however="" in="" increased="" is="" it="" methionine="" no="" not="" o:p="" of="" performance="" rate="" recommended="" showed="" supplementation="" that="" usage="" was="" weight="" were="" with="">

Kualitas Air untuk Ikan Lele Dumbo

Air sebagai media tempat hidup organisme perairan perlu dijaga kualitas maupun kuantitasnya karena mempengaruhi kehidupan organisme tersebut. Kualitas air meliputi fisika dan kimia perairan, diantaranya adalah suhu, oksigen terlarut, alkalinitas, dan pH yang semuanya berkaitan dengan hasil produksi ikan. Lingkungan yang buruk atau perubahan secara tiba-tiba memicu ikan mengalami stres sehingga mudah terserang penyakit parasiter dan non-parasiter, bahkan tidak menutup kemungkinan terjadinya kematian. Suhu air sangat berkaitan erat dengan konsentrasi oksigen terlarut dan laju konsumsi pakan oleh hewan air. Catfish umumnya diberi pakan dua kali sehari saat suhu air di atas 25°C, diikuti dengan laju konsumsi pakan yang lebih tinggi dan laju pertumbuhan yang lebih cepat (Halver dan Hardy, 2002).

Pada budidaya Channel catfish menunjukkan konsentrasi lethal yang potensial pada oksigen terlarut. Pemeliharaan kecukupan oksigen telah menjadi perhatian khusus para pembudidaya sebagai fase kritis manajemen kualitas air. Oksigen terlarut dalam perairan untuk pertumbuhan ikan secara normal adalah lebih dari 5 mg/l (Swingle, 1969, dalam Boyd, 1982).

Alkalinitas total menunjukkan total kosentrasi basa dalam air yang digambarkan sebagai miligram kalsium karbonat per liter air (Boyd, 1982). Kadar alamiah air mengandung 40 mg/l atau lebih adalah total alkalinitas yang dianggap lebih produktif dibandingkan dengan air yang mengandung alkalinitas lebih rendah. Nilai pH merupakan parameter lingkunan yang bersifat mengontrol laju metabolisme melalui pengendaliannya terhadap aktivitas enzim. Kisaran pH yang baik untuk pertumbuhan ikan adalah 6.5-9.0 (Boyd, 1982). Baik buruknya kualitas air juga dipengaruhi oleh banyaknya zat terlarut dalam air baik faktor dari dalam maupun dari luar tubuh ikan.

Pakan yang dikonsumsi oleh ikan sebagian akan diserap oleh tubuh ikan dan sebagian lagi akan dibuang sebagai feses. Pakan yang diabsorbsi sebagian akan diubah menjadi daging dan sebagian lagi digunakan dalam proses metabolisme, ekskresi karbon dioksida (CO2) dan amonia dalam perairan. Pakan yang tidak dimakan dan feses akan terakumulasi di dasar perairan dengan karbon dioksida, amonia, fosfat dan bahan organik tanaman yang masuk dalam perairan (Yoo dan Boyd, 1993 dalam Purba, 2001).

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Kebutuhan Energi Ikan Lele Dumbo

Energi merupakan pelepasan selama oksidasi metabolik dari karbohidrat, lemak dan asam amino. Kebutuhan energi yang tepat pada hewan dapat dilihat secara kuantitatif dengan pengukuran konsumsi oksigen atau produksi panas. Tetapi, estimasi pemberian pakan harus sudah ditentukan dari performance 9 hewan dengan materi pakan yang jumlah ketersediaan energinya dapat dihitung (NRC, 1993).

Secara kuantitatif energi merupakan komponen sangat penting dalam pakan, karena jumlah pakan yang masuk secara ad libitum sebagian besar diatur oleh konsentrasi energi pakan. Karena catfish bukan secara khusus diberikan pakan secara ad libitum, jumlah pakan yang masuk mungkin lebih berguna daripada konsentrasi energi pakan kecuali jika pakan diberikan at satiation.

Meskipun mungkin pakan yang masuk pada catfish tidak diatur secara sempurna oleh konsentrasi energi pakan, namun keseimbangan energi pakan sangat penting dalam hubungannya dengan kandungan nutrien pakan saat penyusunan formulasi pakan. Hal ini sangat mendasar karena defisiensi dari energi nonprotein dalam pakan akan berakibat lebih banyak protein yang dimanfaatkan untuk energi. Namun jika kandungan energi pada pakan berlebihan, pakan yang masuk mungkin mengakibatkan penurunan dalam pemasukan nutrisi esensial (Tucker dan Hargreaves, 2004).

Protein dan energi harus tetap dalam keseimbangan. Kekurangan atau kelebihan Digestible Energy dalam pakan dapat mengurangi rasio pertumbuhan ikan. Jika kekurangan energi dalam pakan artinya protein digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi pemeliharaan sebelum digunakan untuk tumbuh. Kebalikannya jika pakan mengandung berlebihan energi akan mengurangi konsumsi pakan kemudian sedikit pemasukan dari jumlah protein dan nutrisi esensial lainya untuk pertumbuhan maksimal (NRC, 1993).

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Kebutuhan Lemak Ikan Lele Dumbo

Lemak merupakan bagian penting dari sumber energi dan asam lemak esensial. Lemak juga membantu dalam penyerapan fat-soluble vitamins. Lemak sebagian besar dari triacyl-glycerol yang dihidrolisis oleh enzim pencernaan untuk campuran asam lemak bebas dan 2-monoglycerides.

Senyawa tersebut kemudian diserap dan juga digunakan untuk sintesis berbagai komponen sel atau katabolisme untuk energi (NRC, 1993). Cho et al. (1983) dalam Hasibuan (2007) menyatakan bahwa lemak memegang peranan penting sebagai sumber energi dalam pakan ikan terutama untuk ikan karnivora dimana ketersediaan karbohidrat dalam pakan rendah. Channel catfish menunjukkan kemampuan dalam mensistesis sebagian besar asam lemak, namun secara nutrisi tidak ada tingkat lemak pakan yang paling baik kecuali yang menyediakan kebutuhan asam lemak esensial. Jarang ditemukan pada pakan komersial untuk fingerlings dengan kadar lemak melebihi 5-6%.

Kadar lemak sekitar 3-4% cukup dalam peramuan pakan, dengan sisanya 1-2% disemprotkan pada penyelesaian pembuatan pelet untuk mengendalikan kadar abu. Terlalu banyak kandungan lemak mengakibatkan gemuk berlebihan pada bagian perut dan jaringan otot. Hal tersebut berpengaruh pada hasil panen, kualitas dan proses penyimpanan produk (Webster dan Lim, 2002).

Kebutuhan Protein Ikan Lele Dumbo

Ikan menggunakan protein secara efisien sebagai sumber energi. Energi yang dicerna dari protein untuk metabolisme pada ikan memiliki presentase lebih tinggi dari pada hewan darat. Penambahan panas untuk protein yang dikonsumsi pada ikan lebih rendah dari pada mamalia atau burung, dimana protein memberikan nilai energi produktif yang lebih tinggi untuk ikan (Lovell, 1989).

Watanabe (1988) mengemukakan bahwa pertumbuhan ikan dan konversi pakan sangat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti kualitas pakan, jumlah pakan yang dikonsumsi, dan suhu air. Faktor tersebut pada akhirnya juga mempengaruhi kebutuhan nutrisi dan tingkat nutrien pakan. Halver dan Hardy (2002) menemukan bahwa Channel catfish tumbuh maksimal saat diberikan pakan 24% atau 26% protein pakan, apabila pakan diberikan sebanyak yang seharusnya dikonsumsi.

Tetapi bila ikan diberi makan lebih sedikit dari kebutuhannya, ikan membutuhkan kandungan protein lebih tinggi untuk memperoleh pertumbuhan yang optimal. 6 Kebutuhan protein bagi Channel catfish telah dipelajari dari berbagai studi, yang mana memberikan keputusan yang berbeda-beda antara 24-55% (Webster dan Lim, 2002). Faktor yang menyebabkan perbedaan kebutuhan protein pakan adalah ukuran ikan, tingkat pemberian pakan, kualitas protein atau komposisi asam amino, persentase pakan alami, Digestible Energy (DE), suhu air, dan padat penebaran (NRC, 1993).

Halver (1989) menyatakan bahwa kandungan protein pakan optimal untuk ikan dipengaruhi oleh keseimbangan protein dan energi, komposisi asam amino, kecernaan protein dan sumber energi dalam pakan. Kebutuhan protein Channel catfish juga berbeda tergantung pada ukuran dan stadia hidup. Berdasarkan pada studi di kolam, kandungan protein minimum untuk pertumbuhan maksimum pada catfish tebar fingerlings hingga ukuran pasaran adalah sekitar 24% jika diberi makan at satiation.

Tetapi konsentrasi protein pakan minimum untuk pertumbuhan optimal, processing yield, dan tampilan komposisi badan adalah sekitar 28%. Kandungan protein 24-26% secara nyata mendukung pertumbuhan maksimum pada pembesaran catfish di kolam jika pemberian pakan at satiation, tetapi ada kecenderungan meningkatkan kegemukan badan jika dibandingkan dengan pakan mengandung 28% atau 32% protein, yang seharusnya meningkatkan DE/P ratio dalam protein pakan rendah (Tucker dan Hargreaves, 2004).

Untuk tumbuh normal ikan bukan hanya memiliki kebutuhan protein, melainkan juga membutuhkan asam amino esensial yang terkandung dalam protein. (Webster dan Lim, 2002). Channel catfish membutuhkan sepuluh asam amino esensial sama seperti kebanyakan hewan lainnya. Adanya Cystine dan tyrosine pada pakan dapat mengurangi kebutuhan methionine dan  phenylalanine. Cystine dapat menggantikan 60% kebutuhan methionine dan tyrosine 50% dari phenylalanine untuk Channel catfish (NRC, 1993). Kebutuhan asam amino menggambarkan jumlah asam amino yang diperlukan per ekor per hari, sebagai persentase dari pakan, atau sebagai persentase protein pakan (Tucker dan Hargreaves, 2004). Oleh karena itu komposisi asam amino bahan penyusun pakan terutama asam amino esensial harus diperhatikan kelengkapannya dan penyusunan formulasi disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan ikan.

Protein merupakan molekul kompleks yang terdiri dari asam-asam amino, baik esensial maupun non esensial. Asam amino esensial tidak dapat disintesis dalam tubuh, sehingga asam amino tersebut perlu diberikan melalui pakan (NRC, 1993). Redmond et al. (1998) dalam Mayasari (2005) menyatakan bahwa taurin adalah asam amino β-sulfonat yang merupakan turunan dari metabolisme methionine dan cystine. Taurin diindikasikan memiliki peranan utama dalam berbagai fungsi biologis tubuh. Peranan tersebut antara lain dalam stabilitas membran, antioksidan, keseimbangan homeostasis dari kalsium, menstimulasi glikolisis dan glikogenesis, memacu pertumbuhan, osmoregulasi dan penglihatan. Taurin tidak digunakan untuk pembentukan protein tubuh, tetapi banyak ditemukan dalam keadaan tidak terikat dengan asam amino intraseluler dari banyak tipe sel.

Efektivitas dari formulasi pakan didasarkan pada energi yang dapat dicerna dan pakan dapat dievaluasi melalui pengukuran pertambahan berat, efisiensi pakan atau konversi pakan, dan komposisi tubuh ikan yang menerima pakan atau retensi. Retensi protein merupakan gambaran dari banyaknya protein yang diberikan, yang dapat diserap dan dimanfaatkan untuk membangun dan memperbaiki sel tubuh yang rusak, serta dimanfaatkan tubuh bagi metabolisme harian (Halver, 1989). Mayasari (2005) menyatakan bahwa penambahan methionine dan taurin masing-masing sebesar 0,2% dalam pakan ikan lele dumbo dapat meningkatkan retensi protein dan retensi lemak.
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Penggunanan Tepung Kedelai di Pakan Ikan

Protein kedelai merupakan salah satu yang memiliki profil asam amino terbaik dari seluruh bahan pakan kaya protein nabati yang memenuhi kebutuhan asam amino esensial bagi ikan (Lovell, 1989). Beberapa ikan seperti salmon diketahui tidak cocok dengan tepung kedelai, sementara itu ikan yang lain, seperti Channel catfish, telah siap memakan pakan yang mengandung tepung kedelai lebih dari 50% (Robinson, 1991 dalam NRC, 1993).

Tepung kedelai adalah hasil setelah pemindahan minyak dari soya beans. Saat ini tepung kedelai adalah sumber protein paling penting bagi budidaya produktif dan sebagian atau seluruhnya dapat menggantikan tepung ikan. Tepung kedelai umum digunakan bukan hanya karena kandungan protein yang tinggi tetapi juga ketersediaannya di dunia.

Komposisi kimia dari tepung kedelai cukup konsisten. Kandungan protein kasar tepung kedelai sebesar 44%, namun tergantung dari kualitas kedelai. Faktor yang menyebabkan adanya variasi kandungan protein adalah tanah, pengolahan, kondisi cuaca dan musim selama masa pertumbuhan kedelai. Tepung kedelai adalah tepung berasal dari tumbuhan yang memiliki profil asam amino terbaik. Keterbatasan asam amino methionine dan cystine namun memiliki persediaan yang baik untuk arginine dan phenylalanine (Hertrampf dan Pascual, 2000).

Tepung Ikan Sebagai Sumber Protein Lele Dumbo

Tepung ikan dibuat dari sejumlah ikan berkualitas baik yang diolah sebaik-baiknya sebagai sumber protein kualitas tertinggi yang biasa dipakai untuk menghasilkan pakan ikan. Tepung ikan merupakan sumber yang kaya akan energi dan mineral, kecernaan yang tinggi, dan palatabilitas yang tinggi bagi sebagian besar ikan.

Tepung ikan terbuat dari sejumlah ikan yang mengandung 60-80% protein yang 80-95% dapat dicerna oleh ikan, selain itu tepung ikan mengandung lysine dan methionine yang tinggi, yaitu dua asam amino yang paling sedikit pada bahan pakan tumbuhan (Lovell, 1989). Namun tepung ikan juga memiliki kadar abu yang tinggi maka harus digunakan dengan hati-hati dalam pakan ikan karena bisa menghasilkan ketidakseimbangan mineral (NRC, 1993).

Tepung ikan merupakan sumber protein yang telah diadaptasi baik oleh ikan, selain sangat kaya akan asam amino esensial, profilnya juga sangat cocok untuk kebutuhan vertebrata terutama ikan. Kandungan lemak dari tepung ikan merupakan sumber energi yang sangat bermutu dan tinggi dalam rantai panjang poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), yang mana essential fatty acids (EFAs) sangat penting bagi ikan. Bahan ini juga merupakan sumber mineral esensial (calium, phosporus, magnesium dan trace elements) dan vitamin (vitamin B12, A, D3, choline, inositol, dan beberapa lagi yang belum diketahui, kecuali ascorbic acid) yang sangat baik. Tepung ikan sering kali juga mengandung carotenoid.

Karakteristik tersebut memberikan alasan pemakaian tepung ikan yang berlimpah pada bahan pakan untuk akuakultur. Padahal tepung ini hanya tersedia dalam jumlah terbatas dan mahal. Selain itu kebutuhan akuakultur akan tepung ikan di dunia juga dalam persaingan dengan bidang pertanian lainnya (Guillaume et al., 2001).

Sumber Protein Pakan Ikan Lele Dumbo

Secara praktis komposisi pakan ikan dibedakan dalam sumber protein, energi, lemak esensial, tambahan vitamin, tambahan mineral, dan komposisi khusus untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan, pigmentasi, perkembangan seksual, kelengkapan fisik, palatabilitas atau ketahanan pakan (Lovell, 1989). Karbohidrat, lemak, dan protein menjadi komponen pokok dari bahan pakan. Bahan organik makronutrien ini dapat digunakan secara langsung sebagai bahan bakar metabolik, dan dapat disimpan dalam tubuh untuk dimanfaatkan selanjutnya, atau ditumpuk dalam materi penyusun pertumbuhan somatik hewan (Houlihan et al., 2001).

Terdapat selang yang lebar dari berbagai bahan dapat digunakan dalam membuat pakan biota akuatik. Disamping nilai nutrisi, kekayaan fungsi dari penyusunnya juga menjadi pertimbangan. Seperti kemampuan menyerap air dan daya tahan pengikatan pelet, hal tersebut menjadi pengaruh yang penting dalam produksi dan kualitas fisik dari pakan (Houlihan et al., 2001). Salah satu alasan yang membedakan kandungan karbohidrat dari tumbuhan dan hewan adalah dinding sel tamanan yang terbuat dari karbohidrat dan selulosa yang tinggi, sedangkan dinding sel hewan terbuat dari protein dan lemak. Kemudian, tanaman menyimpan energi pada karbohidrat, seperti kanji (starch), sedangkan lemak adalah penyimpanan energi yang utama bagi hewan.

Protein adalah komponen mengandung nitrogen yang paling utama dan protein dapat dihadirkan dari keduanya yaitu protein hewani dan nabati (Houlihan et al., 2001). Tepung ikan secara umum dianggap sebagai sumber protein yang paling baik, karena tepung ikan memiliki profil asam amino esensial yang mirip dengan kebutuhan sebagian besar spesies bertulang keras, dan ketersediaan nutriennya yang tinggi (Houlihan et al., 2001). Meskipun bahan nabati semakin meningkat penggunaannya dalam pakan ikan, total penggantian tepung ikan oleh sumber protein nabati jarang berhasil, kadar sumber protein nabati yang terlalu tinggi juga menyebabkan penurunan pertumbuhan dan efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan yang kecil. Tepung kedelai telah diakui secara luas sebagai sumber protein nabati yang paling baik, tetapi kedelai mengandung beberapa faktor anti nutrisi.

Faktor anti nutrisi diantaranya trypsin inhibitor, secara perlahan dapat 4 dimusnahkan atau dinonaktifkan melalui pemanasan dan pengeringan. Tetapi faktor anti nutrisi lainnya seperti phytate, oligosaccharides raffinose, dan stachyose, menjadi berkurang pada prosedur proses pengolahan normal yang dipakai dalam produksi tepung. Pemusnahan faktor anti nutrisi yang tidak sempurna dapat mengurangi potensi dalam pemakaian formulasi pakan secara konvensional, dan telah banyak usaha yang dikeluarkan dalam memikirkan teknik pengolahan untuk memperbaiki nilai nutrisi dari kedelai (Houlihan et al., 2001).

The Effect of Several Additives to Ramie Leaves (Bohmeria nivea, L. GAUD) Silage Quality

The Effect of Several Additives to Ramie Leaves (Bohmeria nivea, L. GAUD) Silage Quality
Tatra, A. J., Despal, and I. G. Permana

A research to study the influence of additives on ramie leaves silage qualities for ruminant have been studied in vitro using completely designs. Five types of water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and dry matter sources as additives (RO = cassava, RJ = corn meal, RP = pollard, RG = cassava chip flour, and RD = rice bran) have been investigated. The fermentability of organic matter to VFA and NH3 were measured according to General Laboratory Procedure (1966), while the rate organic matter fermentation was measured follow the procedure of Menke et al., (1979). Value of pH and protein degradability were measured follow procedure of Naumann dan Bassler (1997) and Microdifusi Conway. The variable of this research consist of physical characteristic and fermentation parameters, fermentability and digestibility of the silages by ruminant have been determined in vitro. In generally, physical characteristic of ramie leaf silage are green black, lactic acid odor and softer texture. Ramie leaf silage with addition cassava chip flour (RG) have low pH (4.06). pH parameters showed that RG acidified the silages faster than the RP, RJ, RO and RD. The silages were categorized as fermentable and high digestible feeds for ruminants (NH3 > 7.09 mM, VFA > 138.93 mM) and organic matter digestibility (OMD) after 5 weeks ensiling time were around 71.14%.

Keywords: additives, fermentation characteristic, ruminant, ramie, silage

The Influence of Leguminosae Introduction to Brachiaria humidicola’s pasture on Pregnant Ewe’s and Lamb’s Performance at Jonggol Animal Science Teaching and Research Unit

The Influence of Leguminosae Introduction to Brachiaria humidicola’s pasture on Pregnant Ewe’s and Lamb’s Performance at Jonggol Animal Science Teaching and Research Unit 
Nugroho, H. D., P. D. M. H. Karti., and K. G. Wiryawan

An experiment has been conducted to study the effect of legume introduction on Brachiaria humidicola’s pasture on ewe reproduction. The experiment used a completely randomized block design. Eight treatments were prepared on each paddock, i.e. P1: Control (-) with no both organic and inorganic fertilizers neither soil potential microorganisms, P2: Control (+) with no inorganic fertilizers and soil potential microorganisms; P3: B.humidicola with P. javanica; P4: B. humidicola with C. pubescens; P5: B. humidicola with C. mucunoides; P6: B. humidicola with P. javanica and C. pubescens; P7: B. humidicola with P. javanica and C. mucunoides; P8: B.humidicola with P. javanica, C. pubescens and C. mucunoides. There are three ewes for each paddock. The treatment of P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 were use of organic and inorganic fertilizers and soil potential microorganisms upon in the process of plantation. Variable observed were daily consumption and feed efficiency for ewes, ewes and lambs daily gain, birth weight, ewes weight post partus and mineral status. The data obtained were treated by Analysis of Variance followed by an orthogonal contrast if there was a significant different. The result of this experiments was very significant difference (p<0 .01="" and="" because="" birth="" c.="" can="" combinations="" concluded="" consumption.="" consumption="" contained="" daily="" during="" ewe="" ewes="" found="" gain="" grass="" highest="" humidicola="" in="" increase="" introduction="" is="" it="" lamb="" legumes="" leguminosae="" nutrient="" o:p="" of="" on="" p2.="" p4="" p5="" p8="" performance.="" pregnant="" pubescens="" required.="" s="" sufficient="" that="" the="" three="" was="" weight="" with="">

Feeding Corn Plant Waste and Field Grass Biscuit to Thin Tail Sheep Consumption and Weight Gain

Feeding Corn Plant Waste and Field Grass Biscuit to Thin Tail Sheep Consumption and Weight Gain

Firki, Y. Retnani, dan L. Herawati Corn

plant waste is one of alternative feed source that has big potential to produce various low cost and useful feed product. One of technology that can be used is heating and pressing technology of forage to make feed biscuit form. Objective of this research was to discover the ability of feeding corn waste biscuit as forage replacement on sheep consumption, daily weight gain, and feed efficiency. This experiment used Completely Random Design with using 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were R1 = (100% field grass), R2 = (50% field grass + 50% corn leaf), R3 = (100% corn leaf), R4 = (50% corn leaf + 50% corn husk). The experiment was conducted for 6 weeks with the adaptation periods for 1 week. The results showed that treatments did not significantly affect on feed consumption, daily weight gain, and feed efficiency. Consumption of dry matter on this research range from 72.12-119.61 g/day/head. Daily weight gainof sheep on this research range from 92.857-128.175 g/day/head, and feed efficiency range from 0.136-0.181. Corn plant waste biscuit could be replace field grass as forage resource of sheep feeding. Keywords: feed biscuit, corn plant waste, field grass, sheep

Management and Utilized of Non-Athlete Horse’s in Nusantara Polo Club, Jagorawi Golf Country Club, Cibinong, Regency of Bogor

Management and Utilized of Non-Athlete Horse’s in Nusantara Polo Club, Jagorawi Golf Country Club, Cibinong, Regency of Bogor

Widowati, D. A., P. H. Siagian, D. Diapari

Nusantara Polo Club (NPC) has athlete and non-athlete horses which are maintenanced. Horses which are observed in this study are 43 non-athlete horse. Horses are researched to know their maintenances and their utilized. The data are got from observation, documentation, and questionnaire. Horse’s maintenance include horse and stable cleansing, make horseshoes, hairs shaving, feeding, exercise, and healthy management. Non-athlete horse in NPC are utilized for riding lessons activity, chukka athlete’s training, breeding, and training. Maintenances for each utilized are different enough. A horse should utilized for many things. Non-athlete horse in NPC are lots in variation, so their maintenances are many kinds too. Healthy horses can be utilized optimally. Riding activity actually brings a positive influence for the riders. Riding activity are also beneficial for the children’s autism therapy.

Keywords: non-athlete horse, horse’s maintenance, horse’s utilized

Pack Horse as Transportation in North Sumatera

Pack Horse as Transportation in North Sumatera
R. Siregar, P. H. Siagian, and Kartiarso

Horse has a big role in human life, such as transportation. The aim of this research was to collect information of management horse system for human goods transporter in Saipar Dolok Hole. The data was analyzed descriptively. The result showed that horse has been an important transportation to carry agriculture commodities. It doesn’t need a good education to be a coachman. The horses that were used for draft animal was Batak horse. The horses and their equipment is supplied by horse agency seller in Dolok Sanggul, North Tapanuli. Majority of the horses had a solid facial marking with brown basic colour of coat. The maintenance management of horse that use as draft horse is very traditional because the limited knowledge and equipment that coachman had. The coachman has his knowledge from other friends who also have a horse and long life experiences, that way can be affected in maintenance management of horses. The goverment and coachman have an important role to increase prosperity of horse in the future.

Keyword : Pack Horse, Traditional Transportation

Physical Composition and Commercial Cut of Carcass Male Local Sheep on Different Growth Rate Reared With Semi Intensive

Physical Composition and Commercial Cut of Carcass Male Local Sheep on Different Growth Rate Reared With Semi Intensive

Rachman,R., S. Rahayu dan Komariah

Lamb is one of meat producing animal which has been known well by the public. The need of sheep meat rise as the people know of animal protein grows. Because of that the stock and breeding of lamb must be increased in Indonesia. Local Indonesian lamb have high potential to be raised. Small body, rough wool, long adulthood, and small production of meat are the characteristics of Local Indonesian lamb. This research was held to determine carcass physical composition difference between fast growth lamb and slow growth lamb. The research was conducted at Jonggol Animal Science Teaching and Research Unit (JASTRU). The lamb was raised with the semi intensive method, using 3 male fast growth lamb and 3 male slow growth lamb. The result were analyzed with the t test method. Result shows that weight and percentage of carcass, bones, meat, fat, physical composition of commercial cuts didn’t show significant difference between fast growth lamb and slow growth lamb (P>0,05). The only significant difference between fast growth lamb and slow growth lamb shows in loin cut weigth and percentage (P P<0 and="" bone="" loin="" meat="" o:p="" of="" percentage="" rack="" weight="">

Keywords : carcass physical composition, commercial cut, growth diferences, semi intensive.

Chlorination Using Immersion Method for Disinfecting Table Egg Surface Contaminated with Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5 Subtype

RADEN NURCAHYO NUGROHO. Chlorination Using Immersion Method for Disinfecting Table Egg Surface Contaminated with Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5 Subtype.

Table eggs are one of inanimate vehicles for Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) transmission. Surface disinfection, therefore, is necessary to prevent the spread of the virus. One of widely used disinfectants is Chlorine; it is relatively cheap, easy to get, and easy to handle. Chlorination has been established previously as an effective procedure to inactivate highly pathogenic AIV H5N1 in water. Considering the high volume of trade and traffic of table eggs among areas of Indonesia, egg surface disinfection against AIV surface contamination is crucial for the disease control. The aim of this research are to study the potency of chlorine in egg surface disinfection via immersion method measured as its ability to inactivate the contaminating AIV, egg quality after treatment and chlorine residue detection.

The study was conducted for 5 month from September 2008 until January 2009 using table eggs from single layer farm, pathogenic AIV H5 Subtype and calcium hypochlorite as a disinfectant. The viability of the virus was verified by inoculation in Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) embryonated chicken eggs. Data generated from this research was analyzed using SPSS, Fisher Exact Test and Minitab 14 version. The results show that the virus remained viable on the eggs surface for 21 hours. The virus was not fully inactivated (P>0,05) and significantly inactivated (P<0 153="" 30="" 60="" affect="" albumen="" and="" approximately="" as="" chlorination="" chlorine="" did="" egg="" following="" immersion="" in="" index="" measured="" not="" ppm="" quality="" respectively.="" second="" the="" yolk="">0,05). There was no residu founded in albumen after chlorination treatment. It can be concluded that chlorination by immersion method was effective to inactivate or reduce AI viral titer on the egg surface with 95% confident level.

Key words: chlorination, calcium hypochlorite, disinfection, egg surface, pathogenic AIV H5 subtype, egg quality, chlorine residue.

Body Measurement Characteristics of Swamp Buffalo in Lebak and Pandeglang Districts, Banten Province

Body Measurement Characteristics of Swamp Buffalo in Lebak and Pandeglang Districts, Banten Province


This research was aimed to study the genetic diversity through the characteristics of body sizes of swamp buffalo in Lebak and Pandeglang district, Banten Province. A total of 286 heads consisting of 110 heads from Cibadak, 107 heads of Cisata and 69 from Sajira. Parameters measured were body length, chest girth, chest deep, shoulder high and hip high. Body size data are grouped by age ≤ 2 years, 2 – 4 years and 4 years. Body measurements in the age group ≤ 2 years showed similar results in all three districts, but there are differences in the groups 2 – 4 years and≥ 4 years. In general, the buffalo from Sajira greater (P ≤ 0.01) than in Cisata, but almost the same as Cibadak. Parameter of body size which can be used for determinating size for the buffalo in Cibadak and Sajira is chest girth. Parameter of body size can be used for determinating shape for males in Cibadak is hips width and in Sajira is body length, while for females in Cibadak is chest girth and Sajira is shoulder high.

Key Words: Swamp Buffalo, Body Measurements

Carcass and Meat Quality Characteristics of Brahman Cross (BX) Feedlot Fattened Using Pineapple Waste as a Source of Fiber Feed.

DEWI WAHYUNI. Carcass and Meat Quality Characteristics of Brahman Cross (BX) Feedlot Fattened Using Pineapple Waste as a Source of Fiber Feed.

Feed has a marked contribution on beef cattle feedlot operation. The utilisation of pineapple waste as a source of fiber in cattle diet could reduce feed cost. The objective of this study was to examine carcass and meat quality characteristics from Brahman Cross steers (BX) feedlot fattened on ration containing pineapple waste.

Six heads of BX steers aged 2.5 until 3 years old were used in this study and the cattle had been feedlot fattened for 120 days. Three animals were given concentrate and pineapple waste silage and the other three were given concentrate and corn leaf silage. The cattle were slaughtered and dreesed according to a standar commercial slaughtering. The sample meat used longissimus dorsi muscle. The meat was aged for three months at 0 o C with monthly observation for meat quality characteristics. The parameters observed comprised slaughter weight, hot and cold carcass weight, subcutaneous fat thickness at the 12th and 13th rib eyes, pH values, tenderness, cooking loss, water holding capacity, meat colors (L*, a*, b* value), moisture, protein, lipid and ash content, microbiology, organoleptic test hedonic and hedonic quality (aroma, tenderness, color, and mucus), and histology of meat. The effects of ration on carcass quality, histological and chemical meat characteristics were analysed using Ttest, while the meat physical and microbiological characteristics were analysed by repetaed measurement analysis of variance.

The results showed that the pineapple waste did not have significant influences on all the carcass and meat characteristics observed, except meat color a* values at two month aging, meat color L* value at three month aging and protein content at three month aging. Pineapple waste could be used as a source of fiber feed for beef cattle fattening since it would not have a negative effect on carcass and meat quality characteristics.

Keywords: pineapple waste, carcass and meat characteristics, Brahman Cross steer

Detection of Anti-KHV DNA Vaccine Transmission toward Bacteria in Common Carp Cultivation Media

DINDA JANUARI CIPTA. Detection of Anti-KHV DNA Vaccine Transmission toward Bacteria in Common Carp Cultivation Media. Supervised by SRINURYATI and ALIMUDDIN.

KHV is an infectious disease that attacks common carp in various stadia and causing 80-100% of death. One of ways to prevent KHV infection is by using DNA vaccine. DNA vaccine is a genetically modified product that was feared to be transmitted to bacteria and affects genetic diversity. This research was performed to detect of anti-KHV DNA vaccine transmission into bacteria of common carp rearing water. Vaccination was conducted by dipping and oral vaccination methods. Bacteria from dipping vaccination and aquaria were isolated on 6 hours, 4 th day, and 7 th day post vaccination while bacteria from pond were isolated on 6 hours, 4 th day and 7 th day after fish were reared in pond.

Bacteria as many as 50 µL were spread in triptic soy agar containing ampicilline (50 µg/µL). Bacteria that grow in the TSA contain ampisilin were 103 bacteria and the amount of bacteria that identified to species level by using API kit were 11 bacteria; 2 colonies were identified as Aeromonas hydrophila, 4 colonies were identified as Bacillus cereus, 2 colonies were identified as Bacillus subtilis, 2 colonies were identified as Staphylococcus auricularis dan 1 colony was identified as Enterobacter sakazakii. The existence of DNA vaccine in the bacteria was tested by using cracking and PCR methods. The results of cracking indicated the absence of bacteria containing anti-KHV DNA vaccine. Analysis of bacteria by PCR method showed that the bacteria could not uptake anti-KHV DNA vaccine from the environment, so the conclusion was anti-KHV DNA vaccine did not transmitted to bacteria in common carp rearing water.

Keywords: KHV, DNA vaccine, transmission, bacteria in the water, common carp.

Tepung Jangkrik Sebagai Sumber Pakan Ayam Petelur

Telur merupakan bahan pangan yang mempunyai nilai gizi tinggi dan hampir semua proteinnya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh tubuh jika dibandingkan dengan protein bahan pangan lain. Kandungan asam amino pada telur lebih baik karena asam amino telur dijadikan sebagai ukuran standar asam amino yang diserap oleh tubuh (biological value) untuk menghitung asam amino pembatas.

Konsumsi telur semakin meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk. Menurut Ditjen Peternakan (2005), konsumsi protein hewani yang berasal dari telur mengalami peningkatan yaitu dari 4,38 kg/kapita/tahun pada tahun 2004 menjadi 4,71 kg/kapita/tahun pada tahun 2005. Kebutuhan telur tersebut selain dipenuhi oleh telur ayam ras, juga berasal dari telur itik dan ayam buras yaitu sekitar 60 %.

Jangkrik merupakan salah satu serangga yang mudah dibudidayakan dan cukup potensial untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia. Hal ini dikarenakan jangkrik memiliki daya reproduksi yang tinggi. Jangkrik dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan ikan, binatang peliharaan bahkan sebagai bahan pangan untuk manusia. Hal ini dikarenakan kandungan protein yang tinggi pada jangkrik. Penggunaan tepung jangkrik sebagai pakan masih terbatas pada burung dan ikan, sedangkan pada ayam masih jarang. Zat-zat kimia yang serupa hormon pada vertebrata, seperti androgen, estrogen dan insulin baru-baru ini telah terdeteksi pada jangkrik. Kandungan estrogen pada tepung jangkrik sebesar 259,535 ppm dapat diperoleh dari ekstrasi campuran jangkrik jantan dan betina pada umur di atas 35 hari (Prayitno, 2000).
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